The Odyssey Sea Glass Photo Contest started early last year and became very popular quickly. Many of you sea glass fan-addicts :-) submitted your favorite personal photos of sea glass, shared them with your friends, and waited to see the monthly winner. Now, after giving everyone a chance to vote on your favorite photo of all for 2011, we have tabulated the results for the winner of the year: Winning Photo - 2011 Odyssey Sea Glass Photo Contest Blue Bliss by Raymunda Fox of Monterey California This crystal-clear photo of beautiful art glass tumbled and frosted by the sea was the winner of the April 2011 monthly contest and won hands down for the year. Two photos that also garnered many votes deserve also special mention:  "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" August 2011 |  "Winter Score" December 2011 | Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all of you who contributed many fine photos.
Please continue to send in your pics of sea glass, check out the monthly submissions, and most of all - vote on them!
In this issue of the Odyssey Sea Glass Newsletter, you'll find: Browse our selection of sea glass colors: Happy hunting, David and Lin Schneider | New Subscribers For those of you who have just recently signed up, this portion is especially for you. If you are a new subscriber, you will enjoy the story and photos at the Glass Beach Special. Then, enter this password: gobeachglass If the above link doesn't work in your email, copy and past this into your browser: https://www.odysseyseaglass.com/glass-beach.html | Latest Additions to Odyssey Sea Glass If you have been reading the RSS/Blog, you will already have seen some of these new items... But take a look at the updates below and see if you missed something important. There are also usually some unanswered questions that we'd love to have you answer. Note: If you would like to receive the RSS/Blog feed, click on that "orange button" in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar on any page of Odyssey Sea Glass to subscribe. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free contact us by clicking on our photo at the top of the letter. David (editor) New Stuff! | Feb 18, 2012 Yellow and Orange Sea Glass Colors Yellow and Orange Sea Glass - Among the rarest colors, yellow and orange sea glass is highly prized by sea glass collectors and artists. Permalink -- click for full blog post "Yellow and Orange Sea Glass Colors" Feb 17, 2012 Sea Glass Window Pane Sea Glass Window Pane - Sea Glass Crafts ~ By: Alexis Kinoshita - El Granada Ca USA After collecting alot of glass, this was the first project Permalink -- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Window Pane" Feb 17, 2012 Yellow stands out! - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest ~ By: Jeanie Carter - Virginia Beach, VA (USA) This photo was taken in my seaglass room at my house - I found the seaglass in the picture on the Chesapeake Permalink -- click for full blog post "Yellow stands out! - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest" Feb 17, 2012 Summer's Beach, Rhode Island Sea Glass Summer's Beach Sea Glass Report - The nearest town to this beach is Newport, Rhode Island I found lots of blues, reds and purple colors, lots of marbles Permalink -- click for full blog post "Summer's Beach, Rhode Island Sea Glass" Feb 15, 2012 Seaglass Jewelry and Beachglass Jewelry A growing passion for collecting seaglass pieces or beautiful beaglass shards has resulted in an increasing interest in sea-tumbled glass jewelry. Here at Odyssey Sea Glass, we have our own line Permalink -- click for full blog post "Seaglass Jewelry and Beachglass Jewelry" Feb 11, 2012 Sea Glass Orchids Love, Love, Love Orchids and Sea Glass! Hence, both sides of a plastic CD cover, covered with orange felt and my interpretation. Hope you enjoy Permalink -- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Orchids" Feb 11, 2012 Unusual Beach Glass Finds - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest By: Rick - Racine, WI This picture was taken at my home. I try to think how old these pieces are and what they came from. The clear piece Permalink -- click for full blog post "Unusual Beach Glass Finds - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest" Feb 11, 2012 Beached Whale - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest By: Judy - Michigan This photo was taken on a beach in Michigan on January 21, 2012. It was an unseasonably warm day for Northern Michigan and Permalink -- click for full blog post "Beached Whale - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest" Feb 11, 2012 Milford, CT Silver Sands Beach Feb.1, 2012 - Milford, Connecticut exceptional amount of glass- many enchanting pieces! Added information about the Milford, CT area: As you can see Permalink -- click for full blog post "Milford, CT Silver Sands Beach" Feb 7, 2012 The Ability to Find Beauty - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest ~ By: Valentina - Rome, Italy Where was this photo taken? Rome Date, time of day, and weather conditions? 11 December 2011, late afternoon, indoors Permalink -- click for full blog post "The Ability to Find Beauty - February 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest" Feb 7, 2012 Diamond Green Sea Glass Costa Rica ~ By: David Collyer - Jaco Beach Costa RIca Where found - Costa Rica Date and time - Don't remember. I go every day. Conditions are always suuny and Permalink -- click for full blog post "Diamond Green Sea Glass Costa Rica" Feb 7, 2012 Kings Park NY Sea Glass Washed Up Creations Sea Glass designer, Michele Ricciardi Handmade Sea Glass Creations Michele Ricciardi will show you what she loves most Permalink -- click for full blog post "Kings Park NY Sea Glass" Feb 4, 2012 Sea Glass Addicts Article - The Carneys Lin and I received a note today that we wanted to share with all of you: "HI: Thought you might get a kick out this recent "column" in the Bangor Daily News, Maine pertaining to our addiction. We have met some wonderful people through this article and have heard some great "Downeast" sea glass stories." Bill Carney Click for more info | HERE'S SOME OLDER HEADLINES YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED: Did You Miss These? Oct 20, 2010, Bermuda - Glass Beach - Royal Navy Cemetery On a recent trip to Bermuda I visited the Glass Beach near the Royal Navy Cemetery. A local stated that the glass is so plentiful there because a incinerator Permalink -- click for full blog post "Bermuda - Glass Beach - Royal Navy Cemetery" Oct 19, 2010, Top Beaches of the World Your Top Beaches of the World - What is your Featured Beach? Tell us about your favorite shores for seaglass collecting, seashell hunts, driftwood, glass fishing floats, scenery, agates and other rocks, or other reasons Permalink -- click for full blog post "Top Beaches of the World" Oct 18, 2010, RED SEA GLASS I found the bottom of a red bottle and a piece of green glass with a lump on it. I can't upload pics b/c they are too big and I don't know how to change Permalink -- click for full blog post "RED SEA GLASS" Oct 15, 2010, 10/8/10 Olympic Peninsula Top left is 1 red and gray - bottom left is pink, light and dark lavender, baby blue and milk glass Permalink -- click for full blog post "10/8/10 Olympic Peninsula" Oct 15, 2010, Sea Glass Hunting - Southern California Does anyone know where to find larger sizes of sea glass in southern California, specifically the Orange County beaches...thanks. Permalink -- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Hunting - Southern California" Oct 15, 2010, Yellow sea glass Hatteras Island, Vaseline glass? This is our haul from a morning's hike on Hatteras Island. We were especially excited about the yellow piece. Does it look like a piece of Vaseline glass Permalink -- click for full blog post "Yellow sea glass Hatteras Island, Vaseline glass?" Oct 5, 2010, Sea Glass British Isles Sea Glass British Isles - best sea glass beaches in the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England. Beach glass best in United Kingdom and... Permalink -- click for full blog post "Sea Glass British Isles" Oct 5, 2010, Authenticity - Sea Glass or Plastic? How can you tell if a piece that you find on the beach is sea glass or plastic? Thank you for that good question. Here's what to do. Pick up a rock or Permalink -- click for full blog post "Authenticity - Sea Glass or Plastic?" Oct 4, 2010, Rockaway Beach, NY - Sea Glass Beach Report I live here and find pounds of seaglass each time I go out walking. Of course findings are better AFTER the summer and definitely after a storm. Permalink -- click for full blog post "Rockaway Beach, NY - Sea Glass Beach Report"
| Sep 26, 2010, IS THIS THE ELUSIVE ORANGE SEAGLASS? I found these pieces on Aguadilla Beach in Puerto Rico last week. They look orange to me, but I am no expert. One piece is ridgy and might possibly be Permalink -- click for full blog post "IS THIS THE ELUSIVE ORANGE SEAGLASS?" Sep 26, 2010, 9/22/10 Aguadilla Puerto Rico Sea Glass. THE FIRST EXPERIENCE Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. We were staying in San Juan and although a lovely place, I had my mind set Permalink -- click for full blog post "9/22/10 Aguadilla Puerto Rico Sea Glass. THE FIRST EXPERIENCE" Sep 22, 2010, Anyone know of any hidden seaglass "hot spots" in Virginia Beach? I recently started collecting sea glass and I absolutely love it! It is so relaxing to go out and just look! I was hoping someone may know of a couple Permalink -- click for full blog post "Anyone know of any hidden seaglass "hot spots" in Virginia Beach?" Sep 22, 2010, Cobalt Blue Glass I have found a lot of cobalt blue sea glass over the weekend but I also found on each tide cobalt blue glass shards that have not been tumbled. I am curious Permalink -- click for full blog post "Cobalt Blue Glass" Sep 22, 2010, Padanaram Harbor South Dartmouth, MA Sea Glass Report Lots of white, green, and brown. After the storms some lavender and pink show up, have found some pottery pieces there as well. Some good finds, some Permalink -- click for full blog post "Padanaram Harbor South Dartmouth, MA Sea Glass Report" | HAPPY HUNTING! 