9/22/10 Aguadilla Puerto Rico Sea Glass. THE FIRST EXPERIENCE

by Sharon Cooper Denich
(St Louis, MO, USA)

My first beach glass experience

My first beach glass experience

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. We were staying in San Juan and although a lovely place, I had my mind set on seeing the surf beaches of Rincon and Aguadilla.

We rented a car and traveled the four hours in dreadful traffic but I believe it was well worth it.

It was about 2:00 pm in the afternoon with a steady westwardly wind. The surf seems pretty hard to me and there were about 15 surfers hitting it all the way home. Just what I came for.

While resting along the concrete seawall, my eye came to rest on a sparkling jewel on the beach. SEAGLASS! I grabbed the little tropical fish-printed bucket I had brought along with me from earlier beach days and started walking down the short, boulder covered beach before me.

This was about 15 minutes worth of work. I think I did pretty good considering I'm just a little ol' country girl from Missouri!

Comments for 9/22/10 Aguadilla Puerto Rico Sea Glass. THE FIRST EXPERIENCE

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Apr 04, 2016
Aguadilla PR 00603
by: Ariel Rodriguez

I want to know if anybody can call me.

I am from Puerto Rico and live here in the island and I have some sea glass that if anybody call me I can send some pics.

I also know people that have sea glass but they don't speak English.

My phone number is 787-363-1731 thank you for reading.

Sep 27, 2010
You're HOOKED!!!
by: Kay Carruth

Sharon, all I can say is "you're hooked!" Being new to this myself, I can say that there is nothing like the experience of finding treasures on the beach. I always find that "special something" every time I go! I live 4 1/2 hrs. from the closest beach, which is High Island, Tx. I haven't been since Labor Day weekend & I am starting to have "withdrawals"..LOL.. I could easily become a beach bum, but, that doesn't pay very well. It has been such a HOT summer, especially here in Tx., but this a.m. it was 50 degrees, so I can see a "road trip" in the next week or so back to the beach...HaPpY HuNtInG!!!

Sep 26, 2010
Thanks Pete!
by: sharon

you are SO right! While I was posting my experience, I was dreaming of ways to raise enough money to return next week! Permanently! The beach is really where I belong, not cold and grey MO! Whatever shall I do now that I have beach glass fever?

Sep 26, 2010
nice catch
by: Pete

It's going to be hard to feed your new habit in MO though. Better start saving for your next trip to the islands.

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