What is this beach glass?

by Paul Pompier
(Chesapeake VA)

What is this beach glass?

What is this beach glass?

~ question submitted by Paul Pompier, Chesapeake, Viriginia

From the Potomac River


Found this in the Potomac River close to the Chesapeake Bay. 

Any idea what it is?

~ submitted by Paul Pompier, Chesapeake, Viriginia

Comment by OdysseySeaGlass:

Hi Paul,
Obviously, you know this is a bottle stopper, since your photo file name is "stopper.jpg"  Smiley
So, are you asking, "What is this bottle stopper from?"

Perhaps someone could give an educated guess.



Comments for What is this beach glass?

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Aug 20, 2014
Response to Bottle Stoppers
by: Susan

My research finds that many glass bottle stoppers are from Apathecary shops, and most are vintage. Pretty nice finds. I found one this morning and am very excited.

Jul 08, 2014
Bottle Stopper
by: Dave

One bottle that was very common in the late 1800's was Lea and Perrins Worchester Sauce. Thousand of bottles of Lea and Perrins were sold with glass stoppers just like you found...

On one beach, we'd find the bottles that washed in and then find the stoppers that fit perfectly...

What a thrill!

lea and perrins bottle stopper
photo at Antique-Bottles.net

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