Sea Glass Pattern ID

by Taryn
(Ocean Pines, MD)

Help Identify this Pattern

Help Identify this Pattern

~ sea glass photos submitted by Taryn, Ocean Pines, Maryland, USA April 2017

ID this sea glass?

Found this piece on Assateague National Seashore — any help identifying the pattern would be appreciated!

~ sea glass photos submitted by Taryn

hotels in

Hotels in Ocean City near Assateague Island

The National Park Service adds:

Assateague Island National Seashore is a protected area on a long barrier island off the coast of Maryland and Virginia.

It’s known for its Atlantic beaches and for trails that wind through marshland, dunes and pine forest.


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Aug 07, 2017
Nursery Rhyme Pressed Glass
by: Kelly D

Hold the piece upside down (actually the right way to look at it) and it is from the nursery rhyme series of pressed glass.

Many glass manufacturers did a nursery rhyme series, but this appears to be a piece from a clear glass plate of Jack & Jill, (possibly from Indiana Tiara Glass, US Glass, or Fenton Kalidoscope) it may even be from a butter dish lid.

Hard to tell without a 3D of the pic.

See how Jill is "tumbling after" when you turn it upside down. Good find!

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