A Good Day's Work!

by Larry T.
(Jeju City, South Korea)

A Good Day's Work!

A Good Day's Work!

WINNER October Sea Glass Photo Contest

This photo was taken on September 29, 2017, on Jeju Island, South Korea. It took me a few days to talk myself into submitting a photo.

Two weeks ago, Typhoon Talim had been stirring in the waters of the Pacific near Japan and Korea and Japan had had a big earthquake, so my expectations were a bit high that I might find some really cool stuff.

I was a bit disappointed when I came back with basic run of the mill sea glass and not in the quantities I usually find on this beach.

So, last weekend I really didn't really have any high expectations that it would be any different.

It was a cloudy, hot day there, with the sun coming out periodically throughout the day.

I got there about 1:30 and allowed myself the entire afternoon to beach comb.

I usually go to one section of the beach and look there for about an hour. That day, I spent a much longer time.

My timing was perfect, it was low tide. In fact the tide was lower than I had ever seen it and it allowed me to look in a part of the beach I had never got to look before.

As I was getting ready to leave this one section of the beach, I noticed the tide was lower than when I first got there. So, I decided I would take one last look along the shoreline to see if anything new had come in.

As I was walking toward the shore, I found one of my favorite kind of rock in a particular tide water line.

I picked it up and started walking down that tide water line, when I noticed a beautiful blue marble!

It made my day!

I never thought I would see one on that beach. After I calmed down, I took a few more steps and found another beautiful marble!

Wow! Two marbles in one day! Never thought that would happen. I could have went home then and been a happy man.

But I didn't. I spent the rest of my afternoon going down the shoreline of the rest of the beach gathering many beautiful pieces of perfectly frosted sea glass.

When I got home, I had hundreds of beautiful pieces.

The pieces in this photo are some of the best gathered that day.

I hope you enjoy the picture of my find and that you find looking for sea glass as much as I do!

Taking this photo was a lot of fun. I am happy to have such a beautiful reminder of a beautiful day.

I took this photo using the camera on my LG G2 phone. I am not a professional photographer, but I have found that when working with sea glass, make sure you plenty of light to bring out the glow within the glass.

~ by Larry T. - Jeju City, South Korea

Buy sea glass marbles and sea glass marble jewelry at our OdysseySeaGlass Store >>>

Comments for A Good Day's Work!

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Oct 12, 2017
Me too
by: Ellen Lindsay

I remember how I felt when I found my first marble and then another, all on the same day. Awesome !!! Also found a small red piece that day as well. Totally great day for me 😊.

Oct 12, 2017
by: Jill

You are so very lucky to have found such beautiful colours!!

Oct 04, 2017
My Vote
by: Anonymous

I have great memories when I see this photo.

Oct 04, 2017
My vote
by: Anonymous


Sep 30, 2017
A good Days work
by: Anonymous

Job well done!

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