Antique Czechoslovakian Sea Glass Dice

by Heather Grammaticas
(Franklin, MA)

Beach glass marble - This was after I cleaned it up

Beach glass marble - This was after I cleaned it up

Antique 32 sided Czechoslovakian Fortune Telling Dice

I found this glass marble in Owl's Head, Maine at one of the beaches near the docks.

At first I thought it was just a marble until I saw the little numbers inscribed in it. And on the bottom, I could just barely make out the word 'Czech'.

Intrigued on what I had just found, I took it to the Internet to see what it could possibly have been and it turns out it is an Antique Czechoslovakian Fortune Telling Device.

Date, time of day, and weather contions?

It was 8/25/15 around 2pm, sunny day

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

I used my cell phone

Comments for Antique Czechoslovakian Sea Glass Dice

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Mar 12, 2017
Antique Czechoslovakian Dice
by: mareth

I also found one of these about 5 years ago in Elliott Bay in Seattle. So glad to finally know what it is!!!!

Mar 09, 2016
Czech Seaglass Dice
by: Adele Price

What a fantastic find - well done!

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