August 2011 Naxos Island, Greece

by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros
(Cudjoe Key Florida/Voula Greece)

~ Submitted by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros,

Cudjoe Key Florida/Voula Greece

We spend a lot of our summer every year in Greece collecting sea glass.

This extraordinary piece was found on the island of Naxos. A lovely island with a great collecting beach as you come into the harbor.

My thoughts are this was from a commemorative coke bottle with a picture of the Parthenon!

Pretty cool isn't it?

Comments for August 2011 Naxos Island, Greece

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Dec 02, 2012
The Parthenon bottle
by: Diana

Hi Christeena!

What an awesome find. I think it may come from and ouzo bottle.

Pretty sure I've seen them in Greece.

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