Core Banks NC Sea Glass
by Robert Richard Shouse
(Kernersville, NC USA)
Overhead SeaGlass - Ruler - Conch Shells
Sideview Sea Glass - Ruler - Conch Shells
Horizontal Sea Glass - Ruler - Conch Shells
Hand Held Sea Glass
~ Sea glass identification question submitted by Robert Richard Shouse in Kernersville, NC USA
The photo was taken at my home, recently.
The Sea Glass was found on my fishing trip to the Core Banks, Outer Banks, NC, in Oct 2009.
I have always wandered 'What is This'.
So I researched it on the Internet.
After many attempts, using various key words, I found 'sea glass'...That Was It !!!
My grand-daughters took the photo with her iPod.
~ question submitted by Robert Richard Shouse Scroll down to see comments....
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