Cuff Bracelet - Beach Glass from Stuart, Florida

by DeAnne Knapp
(Stuart, Florida)

SeaGlass Copper Cuff Bracelet

SeaGlass Copper Cuff Bracelet

I found this piece on the beach in Stuart, Fl, memorial day weekend. Worked perfectly for this bracelet.

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Wikipedia gives this interesting info about Stuart, Florida:

"Stuart is the only incorporated city of Martin County, Florida, on Florida's Treasure Coast...

"In the 18th century, several Spanish galleons were shipwrecked in the Martin County area of Florida's Treasure Coast. The multiple wrecks were reportedly the result of a hurricane, and the ships were carrying unknown quantities of gold and silver. Some of this treasure has since been recovered, and its presence resulted in the region's name.

In 1832, pirate Pedro Gilbert who often used a sandbar off the coast as a lure to unsuspecting prey, chased and caught the Mexican, a US merchant ship. Although he attempted to burn the ship and kill the crew, they survived to report the incident, ultimately resulting in the capture and subsequent execution of Gilbert and his crew.The bar from which is lured his intended booty is named "Gilbert's Bar" on nautical charts.

"The Treasure Coast area that became Stuart was first settled by non-Native Americans in 1870...

"Between 1871 and 2005, 19 hurricanes have passed through Stuart, including Isbell (1964), Frances (2004), Jeanne (2004), and Wilma (2005)."

That should make for some interesting finds...even though not much wave action inside the bar.

Comments for Cuff Bracelet - Beach Glass from Stuart, Florida

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Apr 07, 2017
History Lesson
by: Anonymous

I love history stories such as this. And to be wearing a beautiful piece of history is so awesome. It makes a very nice looking bracelet.

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