Fond Memories - January 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Anne Olson
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Fond Memories - Toronto Sea Glass

Fond Memories - Toronto Sea Glass

~ submitted by Anne Olson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Where was this photo taken?

This photo is a capture of beach gems collected from several trips to beaches along the shores of Lake Ontario in the west end of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Mid morning, rain or shine, or whenever the opportunity presents itself.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

This photo ignited feelings of joy combined with withdrawal. 

Our beaches are currently under an unusual amount of snow and ice and beach gems won't likely be accessible for some time.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Play with your camera’s settings and light.

Most of my best/favourite photos exist as a result of chance, not necessarily due to skill.

~ submitted by Anne Olson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Comments for Fond Memories - January 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Aug 05, 2020
Toronto beaches inquiry
by: Anonymous

I would a couple of tip offs for a couple of great beaches for beach glass hunting. My daughter has fallen in love with hunting,collecting and creating with these little gems. I’m planning a girls weekend away and would like to surprise her with a trip to a beach or two for a hunting session.
Thanks in advance :)

Nov 14, 2019
Which beaches?
by: Anonymous

Can you share where exactly/ which beaches where you've had the most luck in the Toronto area? Thank you!

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