Ft. Taber Beach Park Sea Glass Report
by Airon
(Concord, MA)
Ft. Taber Catch of the Day
White Marble
~ submitted by Airon, Concord, MA
Ft. Taber Beach Park area (the side facing Buzzard's Bay), near New Bedford, MA
Over the Memorial Day Weekend (26 May 2013), we decided to try sea glassing the Ft. Taber Beach Park area (the side facing Buzzard's Bay), near New Bedford, MA.
The attached pictures show our "catch of the day" after about 2 hours' work.
Probably our biggest find was the white marble pictured -- it appears to have some bits of color on it.
After some research, we think it may have been a "picture" marble (a marble with a decal of a cartoon character on it), and the decal has just worn away -- although who knows.
If anyone else can help identify it, that'd be great. It feels more like porcelain than glass.
As you can see, we found mostly craft type glass (there are some chips here and there) in white/clear, brown, and green, but most of it is frosted on all sides.
- Be forewarned - there's a lot of trash on several of the beaches in this little park
- Wear shoes!
We tried two separate beaches there - one on the bay side and one on the ocean side. - The bay side has smaller shards -- but you can find some jewelry grade keepers in there.
- The ocean side requires some major rock scrambling.
We found larger (and seemingly older) pieces, for the most part, on the ocean side.
General info: The park is located next to a water treatment facility, and as such, when the wind blows a certain way -- pee-eww! Watch out!!
There were several other people searching for sea glass while we were there, but there was enough to go around.
Facilities (bathrooms) there were good, and at least while we were there, they were not charging for parking (and there was ample parking).

Added Information about Massachusetts and Sea Glass:
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