Fun People at the Beach

by David Schneider
(Bow WA)

Dennis, Leah, Leslie, and Lin plus

Dennis, Leah, Leslie, and Lin plus "man's best friends."

One of the enjoyable things about looking for sea glass is meeting other fun people and their dogs. It seems like folks who enjoy walking on the beach and especially those who not only do it for exercise but also to look at nature's beauty are more relaxed and happy than folks in general.

An example of this was meeting Dennis and Leah Johnston with their dog Pluto and their friend Leslie Adams with her "kids" Tanner and Nanook. We spent an enjoyable 15 or 20 minutes gabbing with them and wanted to share this photo. Of course, I wanted to get my cute wife Lin in their, too!

Keep smilin', treat folks with courtesy, share what you have!

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