Giddy as a Child - September 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Jan Phillips
(Milwaukie, Oregon )

Giddy as a Child

Giddy as a Child

This is the first time I went to Glass Beach (Black Beach) in Port Townsend, Washington.

I was by myself and left for the 3 hr. round trip on foot along the shoreline.

You can only reach this beach in extremely minus tides. So timing and planning were key.

I didn’t come prepared as I should of and my pockets and pants pockets were crammed full.

On the way back to the car I was jogging and late as I had to meet my friend.

With the heavy load my pants were falling off and I was like a little kid filled with extreme joy jogging and laughing and excited about my treasures.

There is something very therapeutic listening to the sounds of the ocean, the breeze, the sea life, different colored stones and glass, my heaven and my happy place. Gives me such joy.

All total it was a five hour trip and you have to be careful because of tide changes. I’ve been back a couple times. I was very thrilled with my finds.

I got back to the house and found this aqua colored bowl, washed my glass and took the picture.

Thank you

Jan Phillips.

See our Odyssey Sea Glass store for sea glass, jewelry, agates, shells - collected by Lin and me :)

Comments for Giddy as a Child - September 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Oct 25, 2017
Colors of the Sea
by: Michelle...NH

I love your love of the sea and heaven too.....great photo and color!

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