Glass Fishing Floats Photos Special Pictures

by Stu Farnsworth and Odyssey
(Tsunami Danger Zones)

Beautiful Glass Fishing Floats - Red, Green, Blue

Because of interest in glass fishing floats from Japan, Russia, and other areas, we wrote our friend and glass fishing float authority, Stu Farnsworth, asking for more pictures of floats. Stu replied to our last email with him:

"Hi David,

Thanks for the note... I am sending a few scans of some floats I don't know what you have - I have sent so this is a shot in the dark.

#17 is a rare Pumpkin float with 7 patches which makes it all that more rare:

glass fishing floats green
#17 Glass Fishing Float

#27 is a very rare Cherry Red FF Hokuyo float with marking grapefruit sized:
glass fishing floats red
#27 Red Glass Fishing Float

#50 my volleyball sized cobalt gem found on a South Pacific Island.
glass fishing floats blue
#50 Blue Glass Fishing Float

#10 a very rare Baseball sized marked float from either North Korea or Russia.
glass fishing floats red
#10 Large Glass Fishing Float

#49 a super rare opaque solid black glass {no sun shines thru} Pumpkin float 32 inches in circumference {basketball size}

glass fishing floats red
#49 Glass Fishing Float

Thanks for all of your help towards my collection it is very much appreciated."

Thank you, Stu, and we look forward to hearing from you in the future!

David and Lin

Read about Stu's exciting and scary adventures in the series about finding Glass Fishing Floats

(Photos cannot be copied or used without express permission from Stu Farnsworth)

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