Hey, Love Is Here - June 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Mia ~ Fish Out of Water
(Fairfield, CT)

Hey, Love Is Here - June 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

Hey, Love Is Here - June 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Mia ~ Fish Out of Water, Fairfield, CT

Where was this photo taken?

Seaside Park Beach, Bridgeport, CT, USA on the Long Island Sound

Not all town beaches along the Sound on the CT side have glass. 

I've scoured them all through the years. 

The tide in this town brings the "garbage" glass from the town dump that is close to the shore.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

June 6, 2013 late morning, low tide, calm day.

Tropical storm Andrea had been in Florida & we were expecting rain by evening.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

It was pure love. Of all the somewhat heart shaped glass I'd found through the years, this was the most perfect!

My daughter photographs "hearts" we find in natural form when walking ~ shaped in a tree, piece of wood, moss, shells, etc.

She couldn't believe I found one & photographed it without her.

We always announce, Hey, Love is Here, when we find these unexpected gifts.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

Play with your subject on different surfaces, backgrounds & poses, shooting each one, with flash & without.

Try different angles & always know where your shadow is, including your hand holding the camera.

The best shot will be in the mix when you review back.

~ submitted by Mia ~ Fish Out of Water

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May 23, 2024
Information on Seaside Park sea glass
by: David Schneider

Bridgeport is a city in Connecticut, and Seaside Park is a popular beach destination located within Bridgeport. While Seaside Park is known for its scenic views of Long Island Sound and its recreational activities, including swimming, picnicking, and sports, it's not particularly renowned for sea glass.

However, like many beaches along the East Coast, Seaside Park does have the potential for beachcombers to find sea glass, especially after storms or during low tide when glass fragments may be uncovered. While it may not be as well-known for sea glass hunting as some other beaches, it's still worth exploring for those interested in collecting these unique ocean treasures.

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