I’d like to identify what this piece’s origin possibly is and it’s rarity and color.

by Jennifer Opperman
(Vermilion, Ohio, USA)

The piece itself looks to be part of a base of a bottle, probably a little larger (in its original form) than a standard coca-cola bottle.

This piece is 2.5” x 1.5” and about 1” deep. It varies in thickness from 1/4 to 1/2”.

The color looks like a cross between pink and pale orange, what I would call apricot or peach.

It also appears to have been hexagonal or octagonal in shape.

Found in Vermilion Ohio on a private Lake Erie beach, 9/29/18.

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Sep 30, 2018
Art glass
by: Carol

How lovely! This looks like art glass to me. Perhaps Fenton ?what a great find! Very unusual color.

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