Is This Ruby Red Sea Glass?

by Steven Brash
(Highlands, Scotland)

Sea glass?

Sea glass?

May 10, 2017 Highlands, Scotland


Here are photos of what I believe to be a piece of ruby red sea glass, have a close look and tell
me what your thoughts are.

It was about 1:30pm yesterday afternoon as the tide was going back out, me and my four year
old son had been looking for 5 minutes when I found it.

Id rather not say where exactly but it is in the Highlands, Scotland.


Comments for Is This Ruby Red Sea Glass?

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May 12, 2017
by: Selkie's Sea Glass

It could also be a piece of slag glass or bonfire glass. Look closer at what is inside it. Is there sand or bits of wire or ash? Perhaps you could get some better pictures, more close up for us to see. Red is found on the shores, and I have a lovely piece from a ships lantern that I've turned into a necklace. Let us know how you do thanks. Selkie's Sea Glass, Victoria BC, Canada.

May 12, 2017
Red beach finds
by: David

Hi Steven, good question!

I believe what you have found is an agate or similar mineral for two reasons:

First, when you hold it to the light, you see inclusions or particles of other material; it is not evenly clear as glass would be.

Second, it is not frosted. Agate is very very hard and does not get scratched or frosted from tumbling about in the waves, sand and rocks.

On the other hand, for a positive identification, take it to a mineral and rock shop if there is one close to you.

It is a beautiful color and we would love to hear a positive identification.

We look forward to seeing more of your finds.

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