Jelly Bean - Beach Glass

by Sarah
(Port Huron, Michigan)

Jelly Bean - Beach Glass

Jelly Bean - Beach Glass

~ sea glass photo submitted by Sarah, Port Huron, Michigan

This piece of glass I found at Lakeport State Park in Michigan.

I was wondering if it is worth anything?

It's my favorite piece I have found so far.

I think it would make a great necklace charm.

~ sea glass photo submitted by Sarah, Port Huron, Michigan

Lakeport State Park area map:

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Comments for Jelly Bean - Beach Glass

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Oct 13, 2016
Silver quarter
by: Anonymous

I don't know about the piece of glass, but the quarter next to it based on the date is comprised of silver. As such, that silver quarter is worth many times more than a quarter.

May 11, 2015
Jelly bean
by: Sarah

There's not much else about it I was digging in the sand at lakeport state mi park and found I love lookin for beach glass it's my most favorite piece

Dec 20, 2012
Jelly Bean Beach Glass
by: David @ Odyssey

Yes, this piece is quite rare. The color is on the more rare side. The color, size, and perfect quality make this an optimum for a pendant or other jewelry.

However, the market is pretty competitive these days, so you may not get as much as you'd like.

Compare prices of similar pieces on eBay or on this site. Or contact one of the businesses listed in our Sea Glass Business Directory to see if one of them is interested in this excellent piece.

David and Lin @ Odyssey

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