Long Beach Peninsula Sea Glass? Travelogue...

by Pete Suchon
(Washington, USA)

Sea Glass Long Beach? Nope.

Sea Glass Long Beach? Nope.

~ sea glass report submitted by Pete Suchon in Washington, USA

Long Beach Peninsula Sea Glass - Washington Travelogue

We took a couple days off and drove out to the Long Beach peninsula to stay in Ocean Park WA.

We had planned this trip back at the end of July - first part of August, and I think we originally got interested in the area after finding out it's called "the graveyard coast". 

Anyway, we put it on our list of beaches to go to for possible sea glass. 

Ocean Park, Washington

Pat went on-line and found a resort in Ocean Park that switched to winter rates at the first of October. She made reservations and we got a room for $55. Essentially a bed and a bathroom, but since we anticipated being on the beach all day anyway, it was perfect.

We really lucked out weather-wise as it was sunny and 66 both days we were there.

Can you imagine walking a beach in Washington in shirt-sleeves and shorts... in OCTOBER?? As I said, lucky, lucky, lucky.

Unfortunately our luck wasn't so good for sea glass.

Long Beach peninsula promotes itself as being "28 miles of beach" and thats true... it's a fine sand beach from end to end and as far out as the tide will go.

That's all you will find is sand.

No rocks, no shells (except the odd broken crab or clam shell) no wrack line, no driftwood, and definitely no sea glass; just sand as far as you can see.

Long Beach Peninsula Sea Glass - Oysterville, Cape Disappointment, and Willapa Bay

Oysterville to Cape Disappointment

We spent the first day driving the length of the peninsula, from Oysterville to Cape Disappointment, turning off at every beach access point, and we found the same sand beach at every stop.

Willapa Bay

The next day we were up at dawn and on the road north to see if there was anything on the other side of Willapa Bay.

Willapa Bay, as far as we could see, consists mainly of tide flats, great if you're after clams or oysters (mmm oysters) but utter
rubbish for sea glass or driftwood.

Long Beach Peninsula Sea Glass - South Bend to Grayland Beach State Park

South Bend and Dexter by the Sea

After stopping in South Bend for breakfast, including a lovely Craisen Cinnamon Bun from the "Knot Another Bakery" we finally found some driftwood at a scenic overlook near the 9 mile marker of SR 105 near Dexter by the Sea.

Alas there was only sand on the beach here as well.

Grayland Beach State Park - Sea Glass Report

Pushing farther north we stopped at the Grayland Beach State Park. Once more on the ocean, this time there was gravel out near the low tide mark.

We spent 30 minutes looking but found no glass; although we did manage to snag several miraculously undamaged Sand Dollars from the gulls.


We followed SR 105 around to Aberdeen. By now it was nearly noon, and knowing that a 4 hour trip home would put us smack dab in the middle of Seattle's rush hour traffic, we decided to pack it in and head home as fast as our pudgy little legs would carry us.

Southwest Washington Sea Glass

So what did we learn?

First and foremost, we decided that the Southwest Washington coast has nothing to offer the sea glass hunter. But, if you are looking for a lovely sand beach to drive on, or lay on and soak up the sun, it is perfect.

Second, the town of Oysterville has no actual oysters (See comments below for clarification).

There is a "Oysterville Sea Farm" that sells oysters, clams and crab but the pint of oysters I bought there was labeled as coming from South Bend which is across the bay.

If you do head over this way and are as fond of oysters as I am I recommend Brady's Oysters near Markham on SR 105. The people working there were funny, friendly and the oysters are farmed using the suspension method; best tasting oysters ever.

How would you rate this beach for sea glass?

Poor (0-2 jewelry grade pcs. found per hour)

~ sea glass report submitted by Pete Suchon in Washington, USA


Comments for Long Beach Peninsula Sea Glass? Travelogue...

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Apr 21, 2018
pacific coast beaches
by: Anonymous

there is toughs of driftwood on the Pacific Coast beaches....I have also found some sea glass you just have to look and its not just going to come to you...

expecting to just walk onto the beach and start picking up pieces is a myth...it takes time and concentration...

Dec 14, 2014
Yes there are OYSTERS IN OYSTERVILLE and Nachotta
by: Anonymous

There are oysters in Oysterville and also in Nahcotta just south of Oysterville.

They are not always open so if you want to know who is open or where to get some wonderful oysters pull into The Port of Nahcotta where the boats fuel up and ask Tony.

He will be able to help you out on where to go to find them.

By the way I live in Oysterville.

Sep 22, 2012
by: Erin

I live in Ocean Park, Washington. if you're looking for a fun filled, exciting adventure then this isn't the place for you to vacation.

But, if you like clam digging, camping, eating out, touring towns this is the perfect place for you. it's a quite little town except on big weekends like kite fest and rod run.

I walk on the beach every day and find at least one sand dollar. Finding other shells really depends on the time of year and tides.

It isn't Hawaii that's for sure. Gave never found sea glass, but you'll notice these beaches are known for selling round and Twinky shaped sea glass which are sold in
Minit marts and stores through out the peninsula.

I never thought they could be too common because they sell for 20 to 30 dollars. Whoa.

Anyhow, book a plane ticket to Hawaii if you're looking for a luxury sea shelled beach. That is all.

Jul 15, 2012
Found sea glass in Grayland
by: Anonymous

I agree with most of this post (other than I have no idea about Oysterville) but there is one beach in Grayland that gives glass every time.

We camp here every year and play on our beach but beachcomb on the beach at Twin Harbors State Park.

Just came back from there, in fact, and saw hundreds of full sand dollars, a couple agates and about 17 pieces of sea glass.

All brown, clear and one green this time, but last year was more colorful with blues, greens, reds, yellows and clear.

Oct 16, 2009
No oysters in Oysterville? How could you say that?
by: Anonymous

Per Wikipedia

"Oysterville is the number one producer of farmed oysters in the United States and among the top five producers worldwide"

Just because the beds are private doesn't mean there aren't oysters. There are some great oyster growers in South Bend, but Oysterville produces far more.

Long Beach Super 8 Motel

In fact, the Peninsula was founded by oysters. It was oyster farming in Oysterville that created the famed Clamshell Railroad which carried the bivalves south down the Peninsula where they could be shipped. The more southern towns came later.

A lot of people's livelihood depends on tourism here and careless postings like yours hurt hardworking people.

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