Marble in Maui - August 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Karen
(Maui Hawaii )

Marble with a few blues  - August 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

Marble with a few blues - August 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Gene in Whiterock, Britsh Columbia

The photo was taken on a beach in Victoria BC Canada.

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon in July.

Me and my girlfriend took a little day trip and stumbled across this quaint little beach.

We have never found a Red Sea glass.

We are new to this hobby but love it!

We have a few more colours to find so we were looking as usual and when she found a black chunk of sea glass we were jumping for joy!

Right after that I saw a heart shaped piece.

At first I thought it was a rock, then I raised it to the sun and my heart pounded - it was bright red!

I couldn't believe it.

I yelled and screamed at my girlfriend and told her what I found. We both looked at each other and knew this was a moment we would never forget.

She got emotional and I told her I would make a special gift out of it and give my heart to her.

She took the photo with just a simple phone camera but the result was breathtaking!

~ submitted by Gene

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