My best find ever! - June 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Jami Platt Ames
(Malibu, CA )

My best find ever!

My best find ever!

Malibu, CA.

February 2016...just a pretty Southern California winter day... Sunny and breezy.

When I feel a little stress happening in my life I love to unwind by going down to the beach to hunt. Every little piece of sea glass I find makes me happy... But none ever made me scream in glee before!

I just happened to look down while walking along the shore,and I saw this gorgeous bright orange glow on a pile of rocks.

At first it looked like a gummy bear. But as I got closer I couldn't believe my luck! 

It was not only orange... It was ombre (dark to light)!  It had pretty grooves and was beautifully rounded, tumbled and frosted! 

I tucked it tightly in my hand and ran up to the sand where my husband was resting.

He laughs now at the memory of me running towards him with a giant smile of an overjoyed child.

Hey... It might sound quite goofy to most, but to the people who search for seaglass know what its like to find such a rare treasure! According to my books this is the rarest color to find.

The photo was taken on my Samsung Galaxy S5


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