New Zealand Sea Glass

by Sarah Jane Swart
(Gloucester, MA, USA)

Is there sea glass in New Zealand? *

Is there sea glass in New Zealand? *

~ Question submitted by Sarah Jane Swart - Gloucester, MA, USA

Does anyone have a recommendation about a good beach for sea glass in New Zealand?

We're headed there April 2 and would love to spend a few hours on a promising beach.

~ Question submitted by Sarah Jane Swart - Gloucester, MA, USA

Scroll down for comments about where to go in New Zealand

More New Zealand Sea Glass:

Sea Glass New Zealand
Fish Mosaics,
New Zealand

Sea Glass New Zealand
Spiral -
Waihi, New Zealand

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Comments for New Zealand Sea Glass

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Jul 26, 2024
NZ sea glass NEW
by: Gregory Reeves

Early military constablerys in the 1860,s by the British imperial army were supplied by Britain. An example would be the opunake constablery inwhich all bottles were dispatched onto a beach. 150 year old old English glass beach tumbled is so.

Jul 26, 2024
I have LOADS of seaglass
by: Nikki M

I have so much sea glass if anyones interested

Sep 02, 2022
Can't find seaglass in Akl can anyone maybe sell me some pieces :-)
by: Jane

Hi, I would love to connect with anyone who may have some seaglass that they want to get off their hands as its sooooo scare in Auckland I'm trawling the beaches without luck and need some asap for a project. Thanks in advance...don't mind buying it from overseas just need to get my hands on some :-)

gr8life4us (at) gmail (dot) com

Sep 30, 2020
Good sea glass beach - Camp bay
by: Merf

Just been to camp bay on Banks Peninsula and got a great haul of sea glass from the beach. I was hoping to find out why there is so much there when it is so rare in NZ.

Jun 17, 2019
Taranaki west coast naturally tumbled sea glass
by: Greg. Reeves

To anyone wanting to buy gem grade and highly tumbled sea glass from 80 to 100 year old bottles. Pink,red,green,blue, orange, aqua, yellow, brown.
Have a collection of 10 kg of rare pieces. Collected over 11 years from new Zealand ,north island taranaki west coast beaches.
Contact Greg on 0211204417 or

Apr 28, 2019
Selling sea glass
by: Nikki

Hi Pania,
I have a bit I could sell you, how much do you want/ need? I’m based in Island Bay in Wellington. Please contact me:


Feb 25, 2019
Kylie in Bay of Plenty
by: Pania Te Awa ... again

Hi Kylie. If you see this and you still have all that sea glass, I'd like to buy some or all of it from you.

Please phone or text me on 022 153 8788.


Feb 25, 2019
Buying sea glass in NZ
by: Pania Te Awa

Hi. Does anyone know anywhere I can BUY sea glass from in NZ? Reason being, I installed my first sea glass art exhibition in the local Library this morning (Otaki). I'm then taking a workshop on the last day a month later. The Library want six people at the workshop and I don't want my lovingly collected supply to get too depleted. (Most from N.Ireland). I'm planning on contacting the workshop attendees to encourage them to look for some themselves if they haven't already got some. But in the meantime I need to buy some more (Library paying). I'd really appreciate anyone's advice.

Nov 09, 2018
Too much
by: Anonymous

I strongly disagree with people taking suitcases full of shells S
And pounds of sea glass, leave some for others to find.
Some people are very selfish the most, the best...
You took home to sit, enough shells for a hundred other happy people.
Take a photo and put it on your wall instead. Happy travels!

Nov 20, 2017
Bay of Plenty
by: Kylie

I have boxes and boxes of sea glass and sea pottery that I collected over the years back in three late 80's with my Gran. It was all just from one estuarial inlet here in Tauranga, by Memorial Park in the CBD.

Jun 12, 2017
New Zealand to US
by: Anonymous

I found some sea glass in Oneroa and I wanted to bring it back to the United States. But I can't find anything that tells me if I can or not. Anyone know or have any resources I can try?


Hi anonymous,

There are no restrictions to bringing sea glass with you to the USA. It is considered the same as pebbles or glass beads.

David at Odyssey Sea Glass

May 29, 2017
Seatoun beach!
by: Anonymous

I recently was in Wellington and had a look along the beach at Seatoun.

Heaps of sea glass! Some small and some big pieces and also lots of awesome greens.

Also found a few pink pieces and some cool pottery pieces!

Feb 04, 2017
Evans Bay didn't let us down
by: Anonymous

It was pouring with rain so we decided to have a walk around to the little beaches of Evans Bay as per the recommendations on here!

Got some lovely pieces - mainly brown and some nice pottery too 👌

Jan 10, 2017
Sea glass in NZ
by: Jo

Sea glass at The Bluff Beach, Te Kao, New Zealand opposite camping ground. A few hours will fill a 2 litre container with not a lot of walking involved.

Jul 15, 2016
Wellington seaglas
by: Jackie

I'm looking forward to returning to Wellington to Seaglass scavenge! Can't believe I missed Evan's bay on my last trip. Kathleen you scored! I would love go see pics :).. My email is littlebuddha35 (at) if you can send or if you're on social media lmk!

Apr 02, 2016
Wellington, NZ
by: Kathleen

Just got back from my NZ trip and following the instructions from below re: Evans Bay Parade, it's all true.

Found fabulous jewelry grade sea glass on three little bays around this area. So many large beautifully frosted pieces in white,green and brown that I stopped picking them up and concentrated on other colours.

I found deep purple, lavender, pink,various blues, red,grey and sea foam green.

I also found the holy grail of sea glass collecting a sea foam green beautifully frosted perfect bottle heart almost stopped when I spied it partially buried in the sand.

It was just lying in the sand and I thought it must be broken but it was perfect.

Wish I could add a picture of all my finds, I am one happy girl.

Jan 01, 2016
NZ beaches for sea glass?
by: Kathleen

Heading to NZ in March 2016..north and south islands....can anyone suggest good beaches for sea glass hunting.

Oct 28, 2015
No waves in Wellington or Evans Bay
by: Anonymous

If you look at the map you will see that Wellington and also Evans Bay are completely surrounded by land.

There is no wave action in either place and the sea glass is not tumbled.

It really is more like shards of glass rather than sea glass.

Oct 26, 2015
Previous comments
by: >>>

Mar 16, 2014
Wellington, New Zealand
by: Michael

Lots of wind, waves & rocky beaches here in Wellington so ideal conditions.

One of the most abundant beaches that I've found is so small it does even have a name on the maps but if you are ever in Wellington then look up this address on Google Maps: 293 Evans Bay Parade, Hataitai, Wellington 6021, New Zealand

I've also had good pickings at the south end of Shelly Bay which is right across the (Evans) bay from the above beach.

Jan 18, 2014
nz seaglass
by: Anonymous

found tons of it on north island, western beaches area. lots of different colors and textures, its amazing!!!

Jan 29, 2013
Mason Bay
by: Rudi


You might try Mason Bay, Stewart Island.

They say it catches alot of "stuff" from around the globe and is a good beach for those who like to beachcomb. ( I spent a week on the island once years ago but unfortunately never made it to that particular spot so can't comment directly).

Anyway, have a happy holiday!

Nov 14, 2012
Sea Glass in NZ
by: fire wolf

Well just last year at
Urenui Beach at x-mas time

In about 6 days I found about so much seaglass that it filled a 2 litre Ice-cream container and it was my first time searching for seaglass.

And the biggest piece I found was on x-mas day.

Its length is about 9cm and width I'd say about 6cm.

It is was a dark colour but when I held it towards the sun it turned into a aqua-ish colour so you should head down there some time.

Apr 02, 2010
New Zealand
by: Kristin

My husband and I spent a month in South Island New Zealand and loved every minute of it.

We found very little sea glass on the beaches but we found amazing shells. I came home with an entire suitcase full of shells!

I have an email I send to people that are traveling there going over the places we loved (sadly it has been 5 years now).

If you are interested, feel free to email me.

km_schwab (at) yahoo dot com

Happy hunting!

Apr 01, 2010
new zealand
by: kristin

We spent a month on south island and found very little sea glass.

I did however come home with an entire suitcase full of beautiful shells.

Enjoy your trip, New Zealand is amazing!

Happy hunting!

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