Please help identify this Red Sea Glass

by Tracy

Red sea glass from Ireland - identification?

Red sea glass from Ireland - identification?

~ question submitted by Tracy (UK)


I would be really grateful if anyone could help me identify this piece of red sea glass.

It is around 2cm in length and approximately every 6mm there is a horizontal (slightly curved) line running across.

On the same day, at the same beach - a few hundred yards away, this green piece beside it in the picture was also found, and it also has horizontal lines about the same distance apart, so I wonder could they be related?

It was found on a beach in Northern Ireland on the North East coast around the Glens of Antrim.

I would really love to know what it is as I've just started my sea glass hunting this year and am thrilled to find a red piece!

Many thanks!

Map of Glens of Antrim area:

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Comments for Please help identify this Red Sea Glass

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Oct 30, 2016
Ireland and Italy Sea Glass
by: SD

Planning a trip to Ireland and Italy and wondering if anyone has had any luck recently finding sea glass. If so, where did you find it?


Hi SD, use the search box at the top right of most of our pages. Enter the country you're looking for. There are several new reports as well as older reports on Italy. Ireland? I don't remember any offhand but do a search.

David and Lin - OdysseySeaGlass

May 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you Megan, this probably sounds silly, but where would be the best place to sell it? Or even get a rough idea of it's worth? I don't know yet if I would want to sell it (might depend on the value) but it'd even be nice to know a rough figure of how much it may be worth.

Thanks Maddie for your earlier comment, I don't know why but something must have went wrong with the reply I sent at the end of last year - I probably didn't press something! Haven't found much about railways in the area but am keeping my eyes out for any info about it, thanks.

May 04, 2012
Red sea glass
by: Megan

I'm pretty sure those two pieces couldn't be related I'm sure it just a coincidence.

It's up to you but I think you should sell it.

I think you'd get a lot of money from it since red is a really rare color.

Hope I helped.

Nov 29, 2011
by: maddie

Hmmm... maybe it was from a railroad signal for cars like at kemah boardwalk. so u know when to walk or when not to. I'm no expert though, just an idea. try looking up info about railroads nearby.

Oct 31, 2011
Thank you
by: Tracy

Thank you! I was thrilled! It's such a fun hobby.

Oct 29, 2011
Red Piece
by: Gale Campbell

Congrats on your red piece

Oct 04, 2011
by: Tracy

Hi Pete

Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. I have to say traffic lights and possibly ship lights came to my mind too, but as I know nothing about glass I wasn't at all confident.

I have just read that up until the mid-1990s traffic lights here were made of glass. The only thing that makes me think it might not be traffic lights is the fact that I'm pretty sure the marks are more "criss-crossed" - closer to diamond pattern - rather than just horizontal lines like these pieces. Although maybe a very long time ago they were like this?

Thanks for your info on the ship lights as I had even less idea about them. As the lines are recessed in these pieces then perhaps it looks a little less likely to be ship lights?

It's fascinating to think what life they had before they ended up here!


Oct 04, 2011
Traffic signal?
by: Pete

I don't know if they have the same kind of traffic control lights in Ireland that we have here in the states but those two colors make me think of Stop/Go lights.

Traffic lights here are also faceted on the inside face to refract the light and make them appear brighter which would explain the "lines".

Another possibility would be ships running lights which are green on one side of the ship and red on the other so you can tell if a ship is coming towards you of headed away at night.

Ships lights are usually moulded with a semi-fresnal type shape which would give them raised lines rather than recessed.

Just a thought. Congratulations on finding the red glass by the way.

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