Rosario Beach, WA

by Lindsay

we decided to check out Rosario Beach near Puget sound and discovered a beach littered with numerous colorful stones! I found maybe 20 pieces of sea glass in 2 hours, along with about 5 agates. The best pieces were a triangular emerald green piece (the brightest and closest shade to real emeralds i've ever seen) and a light blue piece. My sister found an agate the size of a wine cork...beautiful! Although I've seen better sea glass beaches, it was a delightful rocky beach and we enjoyed the experience. Thanks!

Comments for Rosario Beach, WA

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Aug 20, 2010
Rosario Beach Sea Glass
by: David (Editor)

Actually, Rosario Beach is on Fidalgo Island, not Orcas Island, another island in the San Juan Island group. To see a lot of photos of Rosario Beach, one of our favorites for its beautiful setting and its colorful pebbles as well as fun sea glass hunting, go to this page:


(on this video, it states Whidbey Island but it is actually Fidalgo island.)

Have fun!

David and Lin

Aug 19, 2010
Orcas Island beaches?!
by: Anonymous

so lucky for you to even have beach-access on Orcas Island! normally one is dissuaded from these goldmines by grandfathered-in beach-ownership and its associated residents who want to protect their privacy- what a great thing to have at least one public beach, even if it is at a resort! sounds great!

Aug 17, 2010
Rosario Beach pics to follow?
by: MarinIL

I was curious to see some of your finds...especially the agate the size of a wine cork. ; )

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