Saxis Island

by Leslie
(Falls Church, VA)

Saxis Island glass

Saxis Island glass

Saxis Island sea glass find...

At the end of Matthews Rd on Saxis Island are three houses with wide open yards and a beach behind the second house that looked like no one has ever walked on! After just an hour, I collected all the sea glass in the photo and could have kept going if I didn't need to get back on the road to home.

Mostly well rounded, frosted, with some bottle tops and bottoms and many large pieces.

Yes, it looked like a private beach, but locals told me that all the beaches are open to the public, so I walked across the yard of the house for sale as there weren't any cars anywhere and it looked vacant.

I also found a dozen or so pieces of clear, green and brown sea glass (not in the photo) at beaches at the end of Dan's Place and Charles Dr.

November 2017

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Dec 09, 2017
Report analysis
by: Odyssey Sea Glass

Thank you for the report on sea glass and the photo :)

Note that Saxis Island is well within the Chesapeake Bay and receives very little wave action.

As in all bays, the beach glass found there is not very tumbled or rounded, so don't expect to find Jewelry Grade sea glass there.

For Craft Grade beach glass, it looks very good.

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