Sea Glass - Cama Beach, Camano Island

by Pete Suchon
(Washington, United States)

Camano Island - Sea Glass Report

Camano Island - Sea Glass Report

~ Cama Beach sea glass report submitted by Pete Suchon in Washington State, USA

Sea Glass - Cama Beach, Camano Island

We had high hopes for finding lots of glass at this beach, the latest addition to the Washington State Park system.

Cama Beach was a privately owned fishing camp from the 1930's until  the 90's when the family that owned the property deeded it to the state.

It then languished for 12 years while the state did whatever it is they do and finally opened to the public in the summer of 2008.

Pat and I visited in the early spring of 2009, here is what we found.

There is parking but it is well away from the beach. Plan on walking about 1/4 mile down to the beach.

The beach itself is rocky, golf ball to fist size with some larger.

Being a fishing camp there is a fair amount of brown and green glass but here's the thing... between the large rocks and a relatively calm waterfront there has been almost no weathering of the glass.

The glass seems to have settled between and under the stones and doesn't "wash" much with the small wave action.

Cama beach is just north of Camano Island State Park

At low tide you can walk from one park to the other along the beach but the conditions are the same all along this coast.

So if you are looking for more than a nice walk on the beach, you will be out of luck.

Also, the park rangers here take a dim view of anyone removing items from the beach.

Despite the park website touting "Beachcombing" as one of the attractions, we were stopped by a pair of rangers who confiscated the walking sticks we had picked up during the day.

We were told that NO items may be removed from the beach in state parks.

Overall it was a disappointing trip and, given the rangers attitude, we will likely never return.

How would you rate this beach for sea  glass?: Poor

~ Cama Beach sea glass report submitted by Pete Suchon in Washington State, USA


Comments for Sea Glass - Cama Beach, Camano Island

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Apr 30, 2015
Camano Island beach glass
by: Yupp

The post on the Cama beach in the Camano Island is superb. I love beaches and love visiting beaches very much. I would like to know more about the Cama beach. Could you please share more images of the beach?

May 24, 2013
We would love to have photos of Camano Island Sea Glass
by: David at OdysseySeaGlass

Hi Anonymous,

We appreciate your comment. However, now we have two different opinions.

Pete reports no jewelry-grade sea glass. That was also my experience when looking for beach glass on Camano Island - the island is protected from waves on all sides by other islands and the mainland.

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However... if you have photos showing nice beach glass collected on Camano, all of us would love to see them and revise our ratings of Camano Island.


Without photos, though, we can't change what we've seen ourselves.

Feb 23, 2012
camano island
by: Anonymous

I have several beaches on Camano that I have found amazing jewelry grade and several large pottery shards.

Most of my ventures are in the winter after a big storm.

Yesterday I collected 23 pieces in 1/2 hour and three were colbalt blue.

Truly best day ever!

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