6-19-2018 Lake Erie, East Ave and Chautaqua Blvd, beaches.

by Ruth
(Union City, PA)

Nice blue score, and a great RED!

Nice blue score, and a great RED!

East Ave boat Launch, I have nicknamed "Blue beach" Because I am always finding blue there. But, this day I scored a NICE red! It was a HAPPY day!

Sadly this beach, is dirty, and smells bad. Since the quick heat up of the water there are many dead fish everywhere.

Happy Hunting!

submitted by Ruth

Note: I searched Google maps and did not find an East Av intersecting with Chautauqua (note spelling). I assume the beach referred to here is at the beach end of Chautauqua.

by David from OdysseySeaGlass

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East Ave and Chautaqua Blvd Erie June 1

by Ruth
(Union City, PA)

Fire Glass, Green, with brown

Fire Glass, Green, with brown

East Ave boat Launch, I have nicknamed "Blue beach" Because I am always finding blue there.

Nice piece of Fire glass today

Sadly this beach, is dirty, and smells bad. Since the quick heat up of the water there are many dead fish everywhere.

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East Ave and Chautaqua Blvd Erie July 10

by Ruth
(Union City, PA)

Lucky Stones

Lucky Stones

Lucky Stones, which I just learned what they are, and now, I find lots.

Happy Hunting

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