Sea Glass - It is my Therapy!

by Lisa Mankins
(Cayucos, California)

Sea Glass Therapy

Sea Glass Therapy

Searching for sea glass makes me happy! I always feel like a child. A forty something adult now but when I am sea glass hunting nothing can stop me from feeling like a child! It is mindless, freeing and fun and literally free.

The glint of the sun hitting on the sand with water rolling over it, the glass sparkling right in front of you! Ah, Ha, a new find it is sea foam green.

Where did it come from, what kind of bottle or glass object was it,what did it contain at some point?

On and on again to where sometimes I am so lost that I forget time which is exactly what I am really looking for forgetting time and being so immersed in something that it takes you away from everything.

I also sea glass hunt with friends and the amazing conversations that we can go to is just incredible. It is like we have a spell over us and the hunt is on and always a incredible happy, joyous wish that our friend finds a really cool find. I find solace in sea glass hunting when alone and with my friends it is a certain comradery that I cannot explain. Lost in Time is the best way I can explain it! The glass tumbling has been lost in time until you or I find it and appreciate it's journey!

Lisa Mankins
Cayucos California...

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Aug 06, 2010
Exactly - Sea Glass Therapy
by: Sarah Jane

I went out collecting sea glass every single day for a full year. I think of that time as my 'year of recovery' -- from events beyond my control that were nearly traumatic in their impact. Sea glass healed me.

Now my husband and I collect together, or I take my niece & nephew (or classroom) out collecting. However, I don't like 'forming connection' over sea glass. So when my local association wants strangers and acquaintances to meet on a beach, I don't go. Sea glass is oddly personal to me.

Jul 26, 2010
I know what you mean.
by: Donna

See you on the beach Lisa.

Donna Halliday

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