Sea glass (mermaids tear)

by D.Bancroft

Found in Spain

Found in Spain

My father found on the south Spanish coast and gave to me as a gift.

~ By: D.Bancroft, England

Glass Production in Ancient Spain

The Romans, Egyptians, and Persians used (the glassblowing) technique, and it was transmitted to the Arabs and carried to Spain.
In cities of Al-Andalus (Spain) like Almeria, Murcia, and Malaga, artisans made delicate glassware like (an) 8-handled green glass bottle from Almeria, which is in the Hermitage Museum at Leningrad along with almost 100 other glass objects from southern Spain that are made in the Islamic tradition.

Experts say that this region kept strong connections with Syrian glass-making centers. Syrian and Andalusian (Spain) glass also influenced Italian glass-makers at Murano, who made pilgrim flasks like the gold glass image at left, and large glass vases similar to enameled mosque lamps.

~ from

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May 12, 2017
by: Selkie's Sea Glass

What a beautiful gift!

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