Sea Glass Nova Scotia - Walkers Beach at Inverness

by Christine Kennedy
(Nova Scotia, Canada)

Beach Glass - Inverness, Nova Scotia, Canada

Beach Glass - Inverness, Nova Scotia, Canada

~ Inverness sea glass report submitted by Christine Kennedy of Nova Scotia, Canada

Sea Glass Nova Scotia - Walkers Beach at Inverness

Inverness is a small mining town that is a beautiful spot for several colors of sea glass. 

I found orange this year. 

Also, blue/white/green/amber/aqua/purple!

I would rate this beach good (6-15 jewelry grade pcs. found per hour)

~ Inverness sea glass report submitted by Christine Kennedy of Nova Scotia, Canada

Added Notes:

The town of Inverness, Nova Scotia, is located on the west shore of Cape Breton Island fronting the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Established in 1904, the community originally began as a coal mining town.

When large-scale coal mining ended, the town went through a period of depression. Now, the main industries in this community are fishing and tourism. It is a delightful area to visit.


Comments for Sea Glass Nova Scotia - Walkers Beach at Inverness

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Feb 23, 2020
by: Brenda

Hi all.
I will be going to Nova Scotia this summer, and would like to know if there is any accomodations at or near Inverness Beach, or in Inverness town.
I would like to do some beach (sea) glass hunting while I am in the area. Or any other beaches any one could be aware of.
Thank you.

Sep 09, 2018
Inverness Bach Sea Glass
by: Anonymous

I've been coming to this beach for 10 years and the amount of glass and pottery is amazing. Take time to cross the river when safe and just listen to the waves and relax! Only take the amount of glass that you will use. Leave some for others to enjoy. I've found several red, mauve,orange, bright yellow,many shades of blue,grey, turquoise,amber,marbles a well frosted moss bottle stopper, many old pottery with flowers or letters. PLEASE TAKE YOUR GARBAGE BACK WITH YOU! ENJOY!!

Oct 08, 2014
Greedy people with rakes?!!?
by: Anonymous

I was just at this beach for a morning of beachcombing, hoping for an elusive red piece of glass (unsuccessful).

I was disgusted to see a man with a rake, and bags of glass, grabbing glass right beside me!

I unknowingly met his wife down the beach, who was bragging about taking home 35 pounds of glass from her previous trip!

People like this ruin great places for everyone else!

And she had the nerve to complain about people coming from the States taking her glass!

Sep 25, 2014
by: Amy

Also, it is called Inverness Beach, not Walkers beach.

Sep 25, 2014
So sad, too many greet people
by: Amy

I have been going to Inverness beach since I was a kid, and we always walked and collected sea glass, but now there are so many people combing the beach, and they don't just take a special few but buckets of glass... it is no fun any more.

Just take a few beauties, not the whole beach!

Aug 10, 2014
How to get there
by: Susan

I am just wondering how you get to Walkers Beach. Does the new golf course block off access? I would really love to go there this summer when I am in Cape Breton

Aug 05, 2014
Not so lucky!
by: Carolan

Just got back from a driving tour of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton and was disappointed to find only one piece of sea glass the entire ten days!

Apparently we didn't look in the right places.

I wish I'd found this site first! :/

Aug 27, 2013
Inverness - loved the area
by: Anonymous

Having just returned from Cape Breton to Ontario 1 week ago, was amazed and surprised at the amount of beach glass that my partner and I found on the beach at Inverness.

It was hard to stop looking, as we had to continue on that day.

What a beautiful beach and I hope to be back some day soon.

Loved the boardwalk also.

Aug 16, 2010
seaglass hunting
by: Barb

I've been to Cape Breton twice before to do the Cabot trail, it was beautiful, and so was Inverness.

I wasn't a avid seaglass hunter back then, but now i would love to return to comb the beaches there.

I guess a third trip is in the future.

Sep 04, 2009
Walkers Beach
by: Linda

I'd love to visit the area. I imagine the beachcombing is wonderful with all those waves rolling in depositing "treasures".

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