Comments for Sea Glass Screw?

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Oct 28, 2017
glass screw
by: shirley

I cane across a whole box of these screws. They also have a metal brace around the bottom where they were screwed to something else.

Jun 04, 2014
I have a glass screw as well -
by: Anonymous

I have a glass screw as well.

I saw one exactly like mine on a yahoo page, posted three months ago, but no one had an answer there, either, as to what it is exactly.

It isn't exactly like the one pictured here, as the glass is much clearer - so I don't think it is "sea glass". But it is nearly the same.

Would really like to know what it is and if it has any worth -

Mar 17, 2014
I have one almost exactly like it!
by: Ed from Alabama

I have one almost identical, found in Russell County, AL in the 70's behind a house that is at least 100 years old.

It is 1-7/8" long, the head is 7/8" wide at it;'s widest, and the threaded part of the screw is 3/8" in diameter.

Your's is the only other one I've ever seen, I'm told they are for holding neon gas tubes, but I don't know for sure.

Jun 29, 2013
Sea Glass Neon Light Support
by: From Facebook

Suzette posted to our
OdysseySeaGlass facebook

"It is not a screw... it is a tube support piece used in neon glass making.

"My husband has many in their original state and I have one from the sea."

Thank you, Suzette!

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