Share the Beaches Good for Sea Glass Hunting

by Vivian

I love your website, it's the only one I've been able to find that actually lists specific beaches that are good for sea glass hunting.

I, for one, am employed full-time and only have a few week's vacation a year. So I don't have time to really go all over God's green earth to find my own "secret" sea glass beaches.

I want to know right where to go so that I'll have a fruitful search and minimize my frustration.

I know some sea glass hunters are very tight-lipped on all their best spots, but I just don't understand what the big deal is - sea glass hunting is kind of a niche hobby anyway -

I say, share the love! And I'm so glad your website does that!

Keep it up!

Comments for Share the Beaches Good for Sea Glass Hunting

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Aug 06, 2018
Cheatham Annex is for real!
by: Anonymous

Thanks for posting about Cheatham Annex.

We we're looking for an adventure while staying at the campground and found it!

Thanks to the detailed directions, we we're able to collect various shells, barnacles, and yes, glass!

Kids were very happy with their finds. While it's not like the small rounded sea glass pieces we found in Hawaii, it's definitely smooth and frosted.

Jun 16, 2018
Lots of sea glass
by: Mary Donovan

I walk Yorktown beach daily and have found glass on every trip! For pictures , look on my Instagram page (marycathdonovan) . I have found very old pieces and cobalt colored ones as well!

Feb 28, 2018
Yorktown Disappointment
by: Wanda

My niece and I ventured to Yorktown 2 weeks ago and we did not find 1 single piece of sea glass. we are only 1.5 hours form there so not that bad of a drive and honestly I have no idea what cliffs they are talking about climbing over. Maybe others had better luck.

Oct 17, 2017
No sea glass, just shards
by: Jason

There is no wave action anywhere near Cheatham Annex. There must be waves to make sea glass. Otherwise you have just shards, no tumbling, no rounding, very little frost. Don't go and then be disappointed.

Oct 17, 2017
Yorktown/Williamsburg 2017
by: Christe' Mazzuchi

I swear to you I have pulled my weight in sea glass over the years from Cheatem Annex (Old Naval Base) located behind Williamsburg Water Country on Rt. 199!! You do have to go down the small cliffs but if you're able to get onto the base, it is truly worth your visit!! Expect to get ready dirty and rubber boots are highly recommended!!

We have also found many fossil shells, Magalodon shark teeth and old pottery. This base was known in the early 50's and 60's for dumping old bottles and out dated medical bottles hence, why there is such a high level of glass!! If I could download a picture - I WOULD!! We have lived in this area for over twenty years now and I promise you, this is my children's (now teens), favorite day trip and ask to go every year - sometimes more!!

THIS IS THE TRUTH, I WOULD NOT LIE!! The spot we visit is located directly behind the shooting range - OF COURSE, when not in use!!!! There's a little rental/party area with covered shelter with a couple picnic tables and a playground/volleyball area!! Park there and walk the trail to the cliff, head down and you'll see a steam overflow that helps stir the water. Head to the left where there is some old downed trees and start looking - you can find sea glass withing minutes and if you have a really keen eye - shark teeth within minutes!!

I hope someone can defend my honor but until then, I have been more than honest and consider myself very kind for sharing my families little hidden treasure in our own backyard of Virginia. Blessings!!

Oct 11, 2017
Yorktown Beach
by: Anonymous

This is my favorite place for sea glass but you're going to have to venture off the hidden path to find some. Which does require a trip over the cliff if you want the good stuff.

But if you just want your typical green, brown, and clear just stay on the beach next to the cliff. Sometimes you may even find some olive green, sea green, and cobalt blue pieces.

However over the cliff I have found a yellow, an orange, and some amethyst pieces. I have been coming here for years and it really is the best spot I have seen. Just don't go past 6:00 PM the gnats are awful.

May 15, 2015
No reports on sea glass from Yorktown
by: David

Going back and reading this comment from a few years ago, I wondered about Yorktown.

Although Christe says she heard about wonderful sea glass finds in that area, I couldn't find any reports at all over the years we've had this site, so I wonder who reported sea glass in that area.

Be sure to always read all the comments on our pages when researching a beach to avoid disappointment like Christe's.

Use the search box at the top of these pages and don't expect to find sea glass unless there is a confirmed report with photos!

Apr 20, 2013
by: Bob

We have picked up sea glass hunting in the last year. Down in Williamsburg and wondering if there is anywhere here to walk on the beach and find some.

I don't know this area very well and I know from years ago living in VA Beach that there is none to be found there.


Jun 13, 2010
Dear Desperate in Yorktown
by: Sea Glass Art by Char

If you are still in the area and would like to know of some good spots you may email me at seaglassartbychar (at) gmail. I would be happy to share.

Jul 23, 2009
Desperate in Yorktown, VA
by: Christe'

I'm a mother of twin six year old girls and retired military wife who loves everything the beach life has to offer!

We've retired in the Yorktown, VA area & were told about the wonderful sea glass & pottery finds in our area.

I shared this with two other friends (with triplet & twins also).

We spent the day yesterday up & down the Yorktown coast from Cheatham Annex to Yorktown Beach from morning til dusk searching!

Long story short...we had eight very disappointed children so we took a break and went swimming @ Yorktown Beach to only come up with one severely stung child by a huge jelly fish around her neck, back & head.

The kids & us adults were so disappointed and it literally broke all their hearts!

I really wanted to give them each a chance to be successful for themselves and try once again so, please, please, please does anyone want to share a secret area in our neck of the woods that wouldn't be too out of the way and able to be reached by little feet...Cheatham Annex was cliffs they couldn't scale!

PLEASE, any help would make for a wonderful summer's day adventure??!

The 3 families live from Gloucester to Yorktown, VA. We would be so thankful to you for sharing the love of our beaches treasures and make it our vow to help keep these areas clean for the future of our children!

Many thanks and multiple blessings!

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