She's A Beauty Mate! - February 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Marylyn
(Pakenham, Victoria, Australia)

Akarowa Sea Glass Treasure - February 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

Akarowa Sea Glass Treasure - February 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Marylyn in Pakenham, Victoria, Australia

If only I had remembered to take a photo when I was collecting on the beach at Akarowa!

We had dropped anchor in the harbour and headed into shore.

The beach beside the pier was literally covered with sea glass and small pottery shards. I couldn't believe my eyes!

My Granddaughter actually found our first cobalt blue pieces and I don't know where my head was that day but I just kept picking up anything and everything without stopping to breathe.

I think the fact that we had to get to the Tour we had booked just spurred me on to collect as much as I could in such a short space of time.

I've added a link for you to check out what I collected that day.

So now, I've had to take the photo here at home on the back patio in good old Pakenham, Victoria, Australia.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Mid afternoon around 2:00 pm, bloody hot out on the decking with the hot Aussie sun's beating down on the tin roof!

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

When I was collecting on that bright and sunny day all I could think of was..."Wonder if David and Lin know this is here?"

And today when I took the photo I was thinking I Just gotta show you guys!

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

She is a Sony Cybershot 16.1 Mega Pixels (whatever that means :-))

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Never, ever forget to take your camera with you when you go collecting Sea Glass.

Or if you do take it then USE IT!

~ submitted by Marylyn in Pakenham, Victoria, Australia

Comments for She's A Beauty Mate! - February 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Feb 15, 2017
Missed Opportunity
by: Marylyn

:-( Sad Face unfortunately as we missed the Port of Akarowa on our cruise this past January!

The sea was too rough for the ship tenders so we had to by pass the port :-(

No collecting sea glass this year on the beach at Akarowa.

I was so disappointed. That was one of the main reasons I was on the cruise again this year.

Don't know when I will make it back again - too darned SAD :-(


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