Turquoise Sea Glass

by Jeanie Carter
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)

Turquoise Seaglass Find

Turquoise Seaglass Find

~ submitted by Jeanie Carter in Virginia Beach, Virginia

When I spot a turquoise piece of sea glass my heart races, my eyes light up and I cannot reach down quick enough to snap it up and add it to my collection.

I go home and rinse all the sand from my collection and turn each piece over and over trying to imagine where it began.

These are treasures that give me more pleasure than anything you can imagine.

Hunting for sea glass is relaxing, fun & adventurous.

~ submitted by Jeanie Carter in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Comments for Turquoise Sea Glass

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Jun 16, 2010
Buyers Beware
by: Donna J

My girlfriend and I attended a showing of this "sea glass" jewelry earlier this week - it is pure junk, cheaply made, and the only sea glass we could find in the jewelry seemed to be pop bottle fragments that might have floated on to the shore line.

Be careful if you want to spend your hard earned money on this. The lady who makes this stuff seems to be a complete amateur and has overpriced her junk!


Donna, could be clear about whose show you went to? The above post post by Jeannie Carter did not say anything about jewelry. Was it her show you went to?

It would help us all if we knew for sure whose jewelry you are referring to.

We might mention that this could not be Odyssey Sea Glass Jewelry, as Lin and I have not had any shows ever of sea glass jewelry :)

David & Lin at Odyssey Sea Glass

Jul 01, 2009
I Like This Color, Too
by: Anonymous

I like this color and it is bigger than I usually find.

Turquoise is pretty much my favorite color of sea glass.

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