Unchain My Heart - Sea Glass

by Melody Tallon
(Mt Riverview, NSW, Australia)

Unchain My Heart Sea Glass Necklace

Unchain My Heart Sea Glass Necklace

My husband is the sea glass collector for me, when he occasionally takes a trip into Sydney to ride on the trains and ferries.

He has found quite a few pieces on some of the inner harbour beaches, and he picked up this piece one day recently.

I was busy when he got home, so it was a couple of days before I looked through the small stash he brought home.

I saw this heart-shaped piece and knew I had to put a bezel around it.

I decided to combine three of my favourite materials, and used polymer clay to make the bezel, and a chainmaille weave called 6-in-1 spiral to make the chain.

Although it does have the slightly sharp edge in the cleft of the heart, I still think it works and is a nice jewellery piece.

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Nov 17, 2010
About Polymer Clay
by: Melody

Polymer clay is a workable medium that is heated in an oven which hardens it into a permanent form. It comes in a wide range of colours so it is not necessary to paint it. I used gold-coloured polymer clay on this piece.


Here on Odyssey Sea Glass, see also:
Making Sea Glass Jewelry - Precious Metal Clay (PMC)

for another type of malleable clay for jewelry.

David (editor)

Nov 17, 2010
seaglass heart
by: Mona

Your necklace is very beautiful! I love it! I have never used polymer clay. Is that a soft material that you shape and then paint?

Nov 16, 2010
by: Melody

Thanks for the compliment, Kay.

Nov 16, 2010
by: Kay

Such an unusual and unique piece...very pretty.

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