8th June 2017, Mundesley Beach, Norfolk, UK.

by Michelle Childerley
(Cambridge, UK)

Mundesley Beach, Norfolk, UK

Mundesley Beach, Norfolk, UK

~ sea glass photo submitted by Michelle Childerley, Cambridge, UK

Mundesley Beach in Norfolk, UK

June 8, 2017

My wonderful Mum collects glass for me on Mundesley Beach in Norfolk and found these beautiful pieces.

~ sea glass photo submitted by Michelle Childerley, Cambridge, UK

Map of Mundesley Beach area:

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sea glass colors line

UK England Europe British Isles sea glass

Comments for 8th June 2017, Mundesley Beach, Norfolk, UK.

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Jun 08, 2017
by: David and Lin @ OdysseySeaGlass

Pink and yellow - some would die to have these colors. Your mother has done well for you :)

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