"B" is for Beach Glass - November 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Deborah A. Brehun
(Norvelt, PA)

WINNER November 2017

Where were these items found?

Beach glass for this photo was collected over past 10 years along Great Lakes and the Pacific Ocean.

The driftwood is from the Lake Erie Conneaut Beach Park.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Various dates

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

While everyone loves to collect those small jewels and display them in jars all around your home.... what to do with the big pieces.

When I found this piece of driftwood on my birthday in April on the Lake Erie beach, I knew what I would do, create a wall hanging.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Nikon Coolpix P510

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Comments for "B" is for Beach Glass - November 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Dec 14, 2017
by: Odyssey Sea Glass

Congratulations on winning the November contest!

David and Lin

Nov 30, 2017
Live the story
by: Bonnie

Love your story

Nov 30, 2017
by: Skovira

Love the history of each piece.

Nov 29, 2017
B is for beach glass
by: Cami

This is a lovely work of art!

Nov 27, 2017
My vote
by: Anonymous

My comment

Nov 27, 2017
Love B is for Beach Glass
by: Begene

Love B is for Beach Glass

Nov 27, 2017
“B” is for Beach Glass
by: Anonymous

Love it.

Nov 26, 2017
Beach Glass fun
by: Dee

Love it

Nov 26, 2017
Oceans Gift
by: Carol

I love beach glass. Great creation

Nov 26, 2017
My vote 😊
by: Tammy Cogar

You got my vote!!! Beautiful!

Nov 19, 2017
B is for beachglass
by: Anonymous

Gotta love beachglass

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