Beach near Florence Oregon

by Curt Haney
(San Francisco)

I found this float on a beach near Florence Oregon many years ago.

I have a large collection of Japanese glass floats and I have never seen one with a shape like this one, has anyone else?

It is 6" tall and 17" in diameter and weight is 2 pounds 6 oz. Contact me if you have ever seen one like this one.

Comments for Beach near Florence Oregon

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Aug 01, 2018
by: David @ Odyssey Sea Glass

I got a friend of ours to take a look at this photo. He is a renowned expert. Here are his comments in part:

"Ok David, the float you are asking about has quite a controversial history.

The originals of this type are very few and far between I believe to date there are only 5 known.

So the story goes in the early 60s to possibly late 50s a glass blower made several of these and was selling them for the real deal and making a small fortune off them due to their rarity.

Funny part is they all came from this general area (Florence) where the one in question was reportedly found.

I don't know who found this float but I would be quite concerned as he says he found it on the beach and all of this particular type and area that I have seen in my 40 plus years were all contemporary (not authentic).

If this is the real deal and it was actually found it would be worth a small fortune."

However, some questions arise as far authenticity:

"First off it's the same color as all the other contemporaries I have seen in this grooved float.

I am sending you a scan of the real deal (below).

Does the float pictured above show any wear and tear of being a actual used float?

Does the weight of this float show heavy glass?

Does it have any scars or scrapes on the glass and does the seal button show any sea life etched in and around the area?

The original verified authentic float was made in the late 20s to mid 30s and if the float in the photo above was found in that period of time it wouldn't have much signs of usage (as it appears in the photo above).

However, if it was found sometime in the 60s on it would have signs of being out there awhile.

This float looks like it came right out of the factory and that raises questions.

Bottom line is I could go on and on about this particular float as I do know plenty about it but would have to actually hold the float or see scans of actual signs of use to determine if it was the real deal or not."

Photos of the original antique authenticized float:

unusual glass float

unusual glass float

unusual glass float

Jun 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

I would faint if i found a special piece like this beautiful float!

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