Black glass surprise !

by Dan
(Mazatlan, Mexico)

Surprise !

Surprise !

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Dan, Mazatlan, Mexico

Where was this photo taken? Mexico


We usually return from the "hunt", sit down sort and grade.

I especially like to search for "black Glass" so when we grade I shine a light through to check it. Well to my total surprise one was ORANGE !

To date we have not heard of Orange being a black glass possibility?

I have other pics in the "Question" forum showing different light etc. All of which show a "Burnt Orange" as I call it.


Weather and time of day?

We went searching Friday Dec. 30th after a good high tide with 15+MPH winds the night before.

Boy was that a great call! The total take from the day was outstanding.

We had Marbles, Blacks, Grays, Pink, Cornflower, Periwinkle, Purple and of course ORANGE !

We were on a tiny no name beach VERY hard to reach (low tide only) on a beautiful (It's Mexico) day.

I had just picked up a gorgeous Cornflower Blue huge perfect gem when I turned and saw something that looked "odd" to the surrounding rocks.

I knew it was black glass so I quickly lifted it to the sun to verify. As I did I thought I saw Amber and quickly went on my way gathering more.

It was a total shock to see the Orange color come through.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

If it looks odd, pick it up and check it out !

Happy hunting !


~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Dan, Mazatlan, Mexico

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