Blue Sea Glass Bead!

by Lin Schneider
(Punta Veleros, Peru)

Blue Real Sea Glass Bead

Blue Real Sea Glass Bead

I had a wonderful treat today, and it was all because my loving hubby persuaded me to go to the beach. If we hadn't gone, I would have missed out on a wonderful, wonderful find. Sure gave me a lift.

What is it you ask? Something as rare as hen's teeth in the sea glass world.

Have you guessed yet? A beautiful glass bead. She's a beauty, and I have to say she's my very first bead as well. I am so stoked.

We went down to the beach at low tide today and boy was it low. Lots of rocks are now exposed where there used to be sand. We started moseying over to the area where we usually look and were finding some interesting things.

A plum-colored piece that wasn't frosted but I love the color, so I kept it. It isn't every day you come across that color. Other pieces of sea glass and, of course, shells.

Well, in Washington we had a problem with coming home with tons of rocks; here in Peru, we have a problem of carting home tons of shells.

So there I was walking along where the shells were kind of piled up in the rocks, and I looked down and thought I saw just another piece of plastic. Ho, hum, another piece of plastic like all the gazillions there are on strewn on the beach.

Out of curiosity I picked it up to figure out what it might have been, and as I was leaning over to pick it up, I spotted the pitting on the surface. I was getting kind of excited and then when I got my fingers on it, I knew I had found one of the most wonderful finds I've ever had in all my years of sea glassing.

A gorgeous, blue, well-hydrated glass bead in Peru no less. Woooohooooo!!!!!!

More info on sea glass beads

Comments for Blue Sea Glass Bead!

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Oct 20, 2012
Red Bead
by: Minnies Garden

Love your blue bead.

How old would these beads be. I live in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada and I found a red bead this summer and it is so exciting.

I also found 4 old marbles. All in different trips it is just so uplifting, we go every Friday and Saturday.

So much fun. My first post. Yahoo

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