Bunny Rabbit - April 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Michael Pierpoint
(Riverside, CA, USA)

See the Bunny?

See the Bunny?

~ submitted by Michael Pierpoint in Riverside, CA, USA

I found the red and blue marbles a few weeks ago on a beach near SB, CA.

I was playing around with taking some pictures of my treasures...I really enjoy it. 

Later when looking through my photos, I noticed a certain little (usually fuzzy) creature who makes an appear every year at about this time.

I did not intentionally place the glass pieces to look like a bunny.  I was simply trying to show off my red marble!  It sure was nice to have him show up like that unannounced.

I took the picture in my office at work. 

I was so delighted with my accidental masterpiece (okay, a bit overstated), that I had to send it to you, and hopefully share it with the world.

I took the picture with my iPhone 4S Camera...no flash, harsh florescent lighting.

I am not a photographer.  Maybe my picture shows that fact.  I don't know.  I just like it.

Thank you for your consideration

~ submitted by Michael Pierpoint in Riverside, CA, USA

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Santa Cruz California Sea Glass
Sea Glass - Seaside, California
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Fort Bragg Glass Beach
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