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California Sea Glass Directory

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  • All of the California artists, galleries, businesses, and jewelers in our searchable,worldwide sea glass directory are listed below in alphabetical order by city.
  • Clicking on any of the Sea Glass Business listings will take you to a page where you'll find more information about that studio.
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If you know of a sea glass artist, shop, or business that should be listed here, just send them to our directory submission page to get a free listing!

San Bruno, California

Pretty Beachin'
sea glass directory Bellingham Washington Victoria Roberts jewelry
San Bruno, California

Santa Cruz, California

Monterey Bay Seaglass
sea glass directory Santa Cruz California CA Monterey Sea Glass
Santa Cruz, California
ncallen (at) com
Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz Sea Glass

Katie Carrin
Berkeley, California

Sea Glass Essentials P.O. Box 1518 Felton, CA 95018 Office: (831) 216-4775 Fax: (831) 335-3387 Email: info@seaglassessentials.com
Thousand Oaks

The Art of Sea Glass
Thousand Oaks, California
Phone: 805-558-3534

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  1. Just type in the name of the city and state or country you want

  2. Then click the search button.

  3. This will return results from all over the internet that match your search query.

Still can't find a studio nearby? Check out our sea glass jewelry pages for products you might be interested in, or

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Browse Our List of Recommended Sea Glass and Beach Books

Note: Sea glass usually refers to naturally tumbled glass that's found on saltwater shores, while beachglass or beach glass can refer to the tumbled glass found on any body of water with enough wave action, such as large lakes.

Lake glass is a term not used very often but is accurate if used for beach glass found on the large lakes such as the Great Lakes of North America.    

Where to find sea glass
US sea glass reports beaches