Can anyone identify this piece? Sea Glass Question

by Lori Walrath
(Saratoga, NY)

Can anyone identify this piece?  Sea Glass Question

Can anyone identify this piece? Sea Glass Question

~ question submitted by Lori Walrath from Saratoga, NY

Found in Bellingham, Washington.

Partial stamped letters on line 1, S, Line 2 alley's, line 3 sgood!

Thank you!

~ question submitted by Lori Walrath 

sea glass colors line

Where is Sea Glass popular in Washington:

Sea Glass Washington State
Found west of Port Angeles
Sea Glass Washington State
Sea Glass Washington State
Port Williams, WA - Poor

Sea Glass Washington State
Red and orange Washington

Sea Glass Posters by David and Lin at
Sea Glass Poster - with Quote
Sea Glass - At the Beach, Life is Different Poster
Sea Glass - The Sea Casts It's Spell

Comments for Can anyone identify this piece? Sea Glass Question

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May 09, 2019
Sea glass in Fairhaven Bellingham, WA
by: Camano Creations Sea Glass Jewelry

There are definitely spots to find good sea glass in Bellingham but arm yourself and leave no valuables in the car. There is a small cove behind an industrial area and over the train tracks in Fairhaven, that has a pretty decent amount of sea glass. Only problem is there is a lot of homeless and drug addicts back there that you need to be mindful of. Not all the glass is great but there are some jewelry quality pieces amongst them. Found a lovely marble last time. The police have been cracking down on people back there so when I last went there was no one around but then a week later my friend went and got her phone stolen. Just keep alert.

Jul 18, 2016
piece identification
by: jj

I have one unbroken. It looks look a power bait container but twice the size

Oct 30, 2015
No waves in Bellingham, Washington
by: David and Lin @ Odyssey Sea Glass

Just a note of advice - don't expect to find good sea glass in Bellingham. Lin and I have been there many times and know from personal experience.

Yes, you likely will find some very interesting glass shards as shown above, but not what you would call sea or beach glass.

Bellingham is a harbor. Harbors are built in protected waters so that ships can dock where there are no waves.

Bellingham is also protected by islands. Islands block waves from the open ocean.

No wave action = no natural tumbling = no tumbled sea glass.

Feb 04, 2015
Definitely a Nalley's Product Jar - OLD
by: Dave B. (dbb1000)

Hi Lori,

I submitted earlier. Now I am certain your sea glass is from a Nalley's pickle jar, from the Nalley's food company from Tacoma Washington. Their motto was "If it's Nalley's, it's Good". This motto is what appears on your sea glass shard.

Nalley's started stamping their product containers with just "Nalley" sometime after 1950. So your sea glass sample is old, because it says Nalley's not Nalley. Hope this helps! Dave B.

Feb 04, 2015
by: Dave B. (dbb1000)

I will bet that piece of glass is from a jar of pickles from Nalley's Fine Foods, formerly in Tacoma Washington. Just an educated guess!

Nov 06, 2013
Amethyst color beach glass
by: by Pat J (Ann Arbor Michigan)

Found several pieces at First Street beach in Manistee Michigan.

It is flat, ribbed on one side and scalloped on the other.

It looks like it could be cooking glassware.

Does anybody have an idea of what this glass originally was?

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