Celtic Colors - July 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Diane Dipersio
(Chicago Il US)

Cape Breton - July 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

Cape Breton - July 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Diane Dipersio - Chicago Il US

Where was this photo taken?

Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada (Indian Beach)

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

July 16th 2012 Afternoon on a windy sun drenched day

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Proud to be an Island Girl retirning home on holiday from Chicago Il.

When I was flying over Cape Breton looking down on my beautiful Island I was inspired to recreate my Island out of my Island treasures.

Growing up with the Atlantic ocean at my door step, beach combing was a daily hobbie for me.

It wasn't until I grew up and moved away that I began collecting sea glass and really appreciating it's beauty.

Now I go home to Cape Breton NS every summer to visit family and collect my Island treasures.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

I used my iPhone 4S - it has great clarity and color.

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

This camera phone is excellent for capturing color and clarity. If you purchase a new phone soon please choose the iPhone 4S - the pictures are perfect.

~ submitted by Diane Dipersio - Chicago Il US

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