Chicanery Glass at Skulduggery Cove

by John Vonderlin
(Santa Clara California)

Chicanery Glass

Chicanery Glass

Hi David and Lin,

John Vonderlin here. A couple of months ago you contacted me about submitting an online picture from my Flickr account of a large piece of insulator glass on an abalone shell. I didn't submit it, as it is Chicanery glass and the story of its creation strikes at the heart of your hobby/avocation. Quite possibly "Ignorance is bliss" in this case.

Posting about it several years ago on the SeaGlassLovers website, elicited tepid responses, ranging from, "Oh Great, you just gave a bunch of cheats a bad idea," to the wildly inaccurate, "That was stupid of them to waste their time, as it takes hundreds of years to make good sea glass. Alas, David your tentative guess in one of your Q & A's is much, much closer to reality.

This link on my Flickr account is the Chicanery Sea Glass folder. You are welcome to use anything you find in the folder. I'd be glad to answer any questions about my conclusions. (I guess you'll have to copy and paste as the link isn't highlighted)

You might also want to check some of the other 45K photos in my account, as I am as obsessional in my specialty, sinksam (flotsam and jetsam's out-of-sight, out-of-mind sibling) as you are with Sea Glass, a sub-set of sinksam itself.

That link is:

Lastly, congratulations on this impressive website. If I ever decide to go public with a website focusing on sinksam, I would use your efforts as a good model. Congratulations.

Contact me at, if you're interested in hearing more.

Hi John,

We haven't had time to look yet but will when we get a chance. We are looking forward to comments from our viewers after they check out your pics!

David and Lin at Odyssey

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