Color Question

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could give their opinion on what color this piece of beach glass is? Thank you!

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Jan 06, 2024
Amber brown sea glass
by: CH

I have several pieces very similar to
this. At first,they all look like a dark
amber brown. I used my u.v. flashlight and
saw three out of five pieces appeared to
be a cranberry red with a faint glow. I've
never seen glass like this before. The
frosting is the same, medium porosity. They
were found either in Nova Scotia or off the Northern California coast.

Dec 07, 2023
It looks Amber
by: Anonymous

You can make sure by placing it on your Carol phone flashlight.

Mar 26, 2023
Sea glass color
by: Trista

It looks like it could be grey. However it also looks light enough for a faded purple. One of thr things you can do is rub it with a small amount of coconut oil. It will brighten your piece and bring clarity.

Nov 03, 2022
Beach Glass color question
by: David

Hi, this is brown / amber colored beach glass.

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