Dinner is Served - July 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Wendy Hooper

Dinner is served - my favorite sea glass - WINNER!

Dinner is served - my favorite sea glass - WINNER!

WINNER ~ sea glass photo contest July, 2014
contest photo submitted by Wendy Hooper, Bermuda

Where was this photo taken?

My husband and I are avid sea glass hunters.

Our house is full of rare sea glass!

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

We go hunting every weekend in Bermuda.

Have over 200 sea glass marbles of all colours  and sizes.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

It is my passion.

It relaxes me and the joy of finding rare pieces puts me in a wonderful mood.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

My iPad

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

None at this time.

~ sea glass contest photo submitted by Wendy Hooper, Bermuda

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.


Comments for Dinner is Served - July 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Aug 20, 2014
Dinner is served
by: Wendy


The beach in Dockyard does have a rule about taking glass off the beach as vacationers were taking bucket and bag loads from it.

There are beaches in St Georges that have sea glass.

The beach I go to can only be reached by boat(not cruise ship!) which is little known.

Over the years that I have been hunting I have seen a depletion as well.

After storms or hurricanes the glass comes back!

If you would like some pieces I would be happy to send you some although I know it's not the same as finding it yourself!


Aug 20, 2014
by: Katie O~

Would love to see your whole menu :)

I thought you weren't allowed to take any sea glass off the beaches in Bermuda? Or is that just for those of us who vacation there?

So excited for my cruise to Bermuda only to get there and find out that we weren't allowed to take any sea glass back on the ship. :( Boy we were bummed!!
Would have loved a few shards to remember my trip by!

Your restaurant must get high ratings!

Aug 15, 2014
WINNER July 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest
by: David

Congrats to Wendy Hooper in Bermuda

We just totaled the votes, and your photo "Dinner is Served" is the winner for our July 2014 sea glass photo contest.

You'll see this posted soon in our newsletter as well as on most pages of our site.

If you would like us to include a link to a web page, let us know.

Happy hunting,

David and Lin Schneider
Huanchaco, Peru S.A.

Jul 09, 2014
Dinner is served!!!
by: Laura from RI


Well done !!! Great photo !!!

Keep on!!!! : )

Laura : )

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