Does anyone know what this might be or how old it might be?

by Michelle L.
(Southington, CT)

Blue star

Blue star

Does anyone know what this might be or how old it might be?

Found this on Nauset Beach, Massachusetts in July 2018 while on vacation.

It was a amongst the rocks in the rolling surfi near shore at low tide.

Comments for Does anyone know what this might be or how old it might be?

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Sep 01, 2018
Thank you
by: Michelle Lewis

Do you have s picture of yours? Would love to see the resemblance. What was it’s use?

Aug 31, 2018
Glass starfish
by: Lynda

Hi. We live in Massachusetts & picked up a glass starfish a few years ago @ a local Christmas Tree Shop. Sure looks like your photo of the starfish. Hope this helps. It is a massed produced item.

Jul 25, 2018
by: David & Lin

Wow!!! That is an amazing find! Don't know what it came from but hopefully someone will recognize it.

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