Emerald Ice

by StoneMe
(West Michigan)

Ontario Inland Sea Glass

Ontario Inland Sea Glass

~ photos submitted by StoneMe - West Michigan

Photo was taken at my studio of authentic green beach glass found along Lake Ontario shores. We've center-drilled them for jewelry beads.

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~ photos submitted by StoneMe

Added Info on Lake Ontario:

Of the five Great Lakes of North America, Lake Ontario is the smallest. It lies, like the other Great Lakes, between the United States and Canada.

lake ontario sea glass map

If you include the islands on the lake, there are 712 miles of shoreline (1,145 km).

Being 193 miles (311 km) long, there is enough water surface that the breezes can maintain some decent wave action along its shores (fetch).

You will arrive at Lake Ontario on the Canadian side from the province of Ontario, and on the USA side from New York.

Although it has many sandbars and protected bays, the open stretches of beach provide some good beach glass hunting.

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