Help Identify Large Sea Glass

by Bridget L
(wilmington, nc, usa)

I found this in 2007 or 2008 while living in the FL Keys.

I was scuba diving (spear fishing) a small ways southeast of the Marathon Jumps - approximately 40 miles offshore.

I was at between 30 to 40 feet deep and saw part of it sticking out of sand.

It is 1.7 pounds, 3 inches high at highest, 4 inches long at longest and about 4.5 inches around.

Unfortunately no identifying letters or numbers or any markings. Just very colorful and interesting.

Probably a hunk of junk ir glass fishing float but this hunk of junk is one of my favorite things I've found diving.

Thank you in advance.

Comments for Help Identify Large Sea Glass

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Aug 03, 2017
by: Tammy

It's a beautiful piece! The thicker the older. Wish, I knew what it came from. Enjoy your beautiful find.

Aug 03, 2017
I lived on Marathon Island
by: Anonymous

It is most probably a piece of Slag Glass. No tumble or frost on it due to pH of gulf and no waves or pebbles....great find!

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